The Town provides water and sewer services to residential and commercial customers. Each home, and most businesses, have a remote reader in their building, so there is no need for Town staff to enter the premises to read the meter. The meters are read, and bills mailed, every month.
If you are moving into a new building or home, you must apply at least 48 hours in advance, as a water meter will need to be installed. All other applications for service require 24 hours' notice. When moving to another residence within town, or when moving away, a utilities disconnect form must be completed and submitted to the Town office.
Residents are charged a monthly service fee for water and waste-water services. Rates are reviewed annually by Council during the budget process. Rates are established by Council By-law.
You can pay your utility bills in several convenient methods:
- Internet and telephone banking;
- at financial institutions;
- pre-authorized payments (application)
- in-person at the Town office (8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday)
- after-hours drop-box (beside the main entrance doors – north entrance at the Town office)
Utility e-Billing
If you are a Town of Westlock utility customer, you can receive your bill by email instead of through the postal service. For information on how to register click here.