Located at 108 Street and 101 Avenue.
- Use of the off-leash dog park is at your own risk
- Open from dawn until dusk
- An adult must accompany children under 16 years of age
- Dogs must be properly licensed and vaccinated to use the off-leash park.
- Female dogs in heat are not allowed.
- Owners are required to pick up their dog feces and to dispose of it in the containers provided properly
- Owners must be in attendance with their dog at all times
- Owners must have a visible leash at all times
- Owners must obey all park rules and relevant parking requirements
- Dogs must be on a leash before entering and upon leaving this off-leash park
- A maximum of two (2) dogs per person in the dog off-leash park
- Owners must respect other park visitors by keeping their dog from running up to and jumping on other people and their dogs
- Identified aggressive dogs must be muzzled and leashed
- Pets must be under the control of the owner, and the dog must be in sight of the owner at all times
- No puppies under four (4) months old are permitted
- Owners are personally liable for any damages or injury inflicted by their dog
- Owners not following the guidelines may be asked to leave by a Peace Officer
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Director of Community Services at 780-349-2115.
New Fencing Installed
The off-leash dog park entrance has moved to the new greeting area where dogs can meet through a fenced area, and owners can decide which area they prefer.
- The East side is now for smaller breeds or older dogs who may be physically slower and get along with small dogs.
- The West side is now for larger breeds and high-energy dogs.
Please note these are recommendations only. The option of which area the dogs use is at each owner's discretion and comfort level.