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  • Business Licenses & Permits

    We will be starting the preparation of the 2025 Print Business Directory and Community Agency Listing soon.

    Has your business moved, closed or had a change in contact information? Want your Community Organization or Agency to be included in this year’s directory?

    Update your information by December 31st.

    You can register or update the information for your group, organization or club by December 31 by:

    The first step to carrying out business within the Town of Westlock is to secure the proper licenses and permits.

    All businesses operating within the Town of Westlock are required to obtain a Business License.  This includes businesses not from Westlock but who are performing work within Town limits.  Business Licenses are valid for the calendar year and must be renewed yearly.

    Along with your purchase of a Business License, your business will be advertised in our local print business directory and on the Town of Westlock website Business Directory.

    Click through the links below to find out more about the other permits required, depending on your circumstances:

    Starting a Business


    Expanding or Relocating a Business

    Home-Based Business

    Call us: 780-349-4444
    Email us: planning@westlock.ca
    In-Person: 10003-106 Street, Westlock, AB

    If you are performing work, advertising for business, or do business with the Town of Westlock, then yes, you do require a license.

    There are a select few types of businesses that are exempt from requiring a Westlock business license:

    • Charitable or Non-Profit Organizations
    • Foster Homes
    • Day Home Provider registered with a provincially approved Day Home Agency
    • The operator of a stall within a Farmer’s Market
    • Any Business exempt under Provincial or Federal legislation
    • A business carried on by the Government of Alberta or Canada
    • Any youth
    • A person providing infrequent or irregular services such as babysitting, yard work or snow shovelling
    • Professional entities such as Alberta Land Surveyors

    A Resident Business is a business located within the Town of Westlock or the geographical areas of Westlock County or the Village of Clyde.

    A Non-Resident Business is any business that does not have a premise in which the business operates out of within the Town of Westlock or the geographical areas of Westlock County or the Village of Clyde.

    Submit an application, along with other relevant documents, to Planning & Development Services (contact info below).

    1 – Complete the application form.

    Business License Application

    2 – Apply with all the required documentation. 

    Application methods:

    In-Person or by Mail to:

    Planning & Development Services
    Town of Westlock
    10003-106 Street
    Westlock, AB  T7P 2K3

    Email to: planning@westlock.ca 

    Payment methods:
    After your application is received and processed, you will be notified by email or phone of the application fee(s). See our Fee Schedule for our current permit fees.


    • Credit card (Visa or MasterCard)
    • E-transfer to finance@westlock.ca (please include "License" in the Notes field)


    • Debit
    • Cash
    • Cheque
    • Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard or Amex)

    Mail payment:

    • Cheque

     Resident Business License


     Non-Resident Business License

     $200.00/year or $50.00/day

     Hawker/Peddler License

     $100.00/year or $35.00/day

     Event/Festival License


    Provided your application is complete and your license fee has been paid, business licenses are typically issued within 1 to 3 business days.

    Business licenses expire on December 31 of every calendar year.  Renewal invoices are mailed out in January of each year, and your license fee must be paid in full by the due date of the invoice to keep your license in good standing.

    If you apply for a new business license after October 1, your license will be valid until December 31st of the following year.

    If you plan to move your business, notify Planning & Development before the move occurs. It may be a simple administrative change, or it may require a review to determine if your type of business activity is permitted in the area.  See our Expanding or Relocating a Business page for more information.

    If you purchased an existing business, you must obtain a new Business License. Contact Planning & Development Services and provide proof of transfer of ownership (typically bill of sale) showing business description and names of the buyer(s) and the seller(s).

    If you close or sell your business, notify Planning & Development Services so your license file can be closed. License fees already paid are not refundable. If you sell your business, the new owner(s) must apply for a new Business License.

    Non-profit organizations are exempt from requiring a business license.  However, if you require a business license for legitimacy purposes, the Town can provide one to you at no cost.  A completed application form will be required.

    Even if you hold a Provincial License with the Province of Alberta you still require to hold a local license from the Town of Westlock in order to conduct your business legally inside the Town.