Operating Hours (Summer Hours)
Monday through Friday: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday: 12 to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 12 to 5 p.m.
Holiday Hours
Good Friday, April 18th- 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Easter Monday, April 20th- 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Victoria Day, May 19th- 12:00 to 5:00pm
Canada Day, July 1st- 12:00pm to 5:00pm (FREE SWIM)
Labour Day, September 1st- 12:00pm to 5:00pm (FREE SWIM)
September 2nd- ANNUAL SHUTDOWN Begins

Aquatic Centre FAQs
Why does a pool close unexpectedly?
Unfortunately, pools have to be closed in an untimely manner due to pool fouling. Health regulations require pools to be closed anywhere from 1 to 36 hours for the necessary disinfecting.
Why can't I wear my outdoor shoes in the change rooms or out on deck?
For health and safety reasons outdoor footwear are not permitted on deck or in the change rooms. Shoe racks are provided at the entrance to the facility for outdoor footwear.
What time is public swimming?
Public swimming is offered at different times every day. Depending on the day and time, the pool may not be available due to swim lessons, private events, and other aquatic programs. Refer to the Pool Schedules or speak with our Customer Service Representatives to confirm times.
Do my kids need supervision at the Aquatic Centre?
- 0-7 years of age: Must be actively supervised by a responsible person 15 years of age or older (Maximum of 3 children to 1 supervisor)
- 8 years of age and older: Does not need to be accompanied
All persons under the age of 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult into the Sauna. Anyone with a medical condition is advised to speak with a physician before use.
- The sauna is not in an area that is in direct observation of the Lifeguard on deck.
- Children tend to underestimate their ability to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations and can quickly succumb to medical conditions related to hot environments.
- Recommended maximum time limit is 15 minutes.
- Shower before entering Sauna from pools.
Cell Phone Policy
The Westlock Aquatic Centre
To protect the privacy and property of customers and visitors, we have guidelines for the use of recording devices (including but not limited to cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), cameras, laptops and tablets) are permitted in the Town of Westlock Aquatic Centre facility except for specific locations and circumstances.
- Use of cell phones, PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), cameras, and other recording devices are restricted within the Westlock Aquatic Centre pool deck, changerooms and washrooms.
- The public must speak with the Aquatic Supervisor/Coordinator or Senior Lifeguard before taking any photos while at the pool. Arrangements can be made to accommodate requests for individual and group photos.
- Change Rooms/Washrooms: Please tum off and store cellphones/PDAs/cameras/recording devices when using the change rooms or washrooms.
- Cell phones are restricted to the viewing area within the pool vicinity. Swimmers are now permitted to leave their cell phones in locker areas at their own risk.
- If patrons have any concerns or questions regarding these guidelines, they should talk to the Aquatic Supervisor/Coordinator.
- Patrons are encouraged to report any individuals using a cell phone/PDA/camera or other recording device in a suspicious manner to a staff member immediately.
Individuals who do not comply with these guidelines or are using these devices in a suspicious manner will be asked to leave and/or be banned from the facility. Individuals can be charged by Westlock RCMP or Peace Officer under the Canadian Criminal Code.
View or Download the March 23rd to 29th schedule
View or download the March 30th to April 5th schedule
View or download the April 6th to 12th schedule
*subject to change
The 2025 Spring/Summer Community Guide (May to August) launches on April 11, 2025.
Westlock Rotary Spirit Centre
April 22-24: Westlock Region Residents
April 25: Registration for all
Westlock Aquatic Centre
June 10-12: Westlock Region Residents
June 13: Registration for all
Book your company or community organization ad by sending an email to advertising@westlock.ca.

Admissions, memberships, fees and rentals
All drop-in admission rates, facility rental rates and membership pass fees are outlined in the Fees & Rates Bylaw. All our fees are listed here: MORE
Swimming lessons details are available here: MORE
Things to do
- 6-lane swimming pool with climbing wall zero-depth entry, and splash park area
- Group swimming lessons, aqua-fit, public swim, and lane swim
- Private lessons are available by contacting us at 780-349-6677
- Hot tub and Dry Sauna *NEW*
- 24-HR Gym (Weight room and Fitness area)
- Racquetball, squash court
- Virtual golf, sport and game simulator
- Meeting Room for special events and parties