10007-100 Avenue
Westlock, Alberta
Phone: 780-349-5900
Fax: 780-350-0831
E-mail: fcss@westlock.ca
What is FCSS?
Westlock & District F.C.S.S. provides a wide range of services designed to promote individual, family and community wellness. F.C.S.S. is a partnership between the Province of Alberta, Town of Westlock, Westlock County and the Village of Clyde.
The F.C.S.S. office is open for questions about programs, in-person registration, and referrals to other social agencies and programs throughout the community on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Vision Statement
Our community experiences an enhanced quality of life.
Mission Statement
Westlock and District F.C.S.S. provides preventative services and supports initiatives, helping individuals, strengthen community resiliency while valuing personal uniqueness.