This page will provide you with information on the required permits and processes for a new building, addition or renovation for a commercial, industrial or multi-unit residential development.
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Development Permit vs. Building Permit
A Development Permit (DP) is required for most forms of development within the Town. A DP allows a specific type of development on a specific parcel of land in the Town to proceed according to the Land Use Bylaw.
A Building Permit (BP) allows the construction of a building or other structure to proceed on condition of compliance with the Alberta Building Code which addresses building and fire safety.
Where can I develop in Town?
All land in the Westlock is assigned a land use (zoning) designation in the Town’s Land Use Bylaw. Within each type of district, land uses can be permitted, prohibited or discretionary.
Permitted use:
Indicates that a land use (e.g. retail store) is allowed within a land use district (e.g. Highway Commercial District).
Planning & Development must approve an application for a permitted use as long as it meets all applicable Land Use Bylaw regulations; therefore a Development Permit is still required. Conditions may be attached to the permit.
Discretionary use:
Indicates a land use may be allowed after due consideration is given to the impact of that use upon neighbouring land.
Planning & Development may approve the application with or without conditions, may refuse the application with rationale, or may refer the application to the Municipal Planning Commission, who may approve or deny it.
Use not listed:
Indicates that a land use is not allowed within a land use district.
If your preferred site does not allow for your development, you also have the opportunity to apply for a Land Use Bylaw amendment in which you could request to change a specific regulation, land use, or the land use district for a parcel of land. For more information contact Planning & Development.
What permits are required?
Development and Building permits are required for any new building or addition. Interior renovations will most likely require a Building Permit and may also require a Development Permit if the scope, type or impact of the use is changed.
Your development may also require safety codes permits for plumbing, gas, electrical or mechanical work, applied for by a qualified trade contractor, to prepare the space for use. The types of trade permits required depends on the type of business, current conditions in the space, what you are proposing and what is required by applicable codes.
We also recommend that you schedule a pre-application meeting with our Planning & Development staff in the early stages of your project so that you are aware of all permit approvals or processes required of you by the Town.
How do I apply?
Submit an application for each permit, along with other relevant documents, to Planning & Development Services (contact info below).
1 - Determine which applications you need.
(See What permits are required, above). You can then download checklists and forms (below) and complete them.
NOTE: Development and Building Permits must be applied for and approved prior to safety codes permit applications. You can apply for Development and Building Permits concurrently or if you prefer, you can apply for the Development Permit first then have your contractor apply for the Building Permit once selected.
Development Permits & Checklists
Non-Residential Development Permit Application Package
Building Permits & Checklists
Building Permit Application Package
Safety Codes Permits and other approvals
2 - Have drawings ready:
- Site Plan – including drainage and servicing details, parking stalls and sizes, landscaping details
- Building Plans – including floor plans, foundation plan, cross-section, elevations
- Engineering drawings (if applicable)
Additional drawings and submittals may be required depending on the nature of your development.
3 – Apply with all the required documentation.
Application methods:
- NEW - Apply online with our new e-permitting portal.
- In-Person or by Mail to:
Planning & Development Services
Town of Westlock
10003-106 Street
Westlock, AB T7P 2K3
- Email to:
Payment methods:
After your application is received and processed, you will be notified by email or phone of the application fee(s). See our Fee Schedule for our current permit fees.
- Credit card (Visa or MasterCard)
- E-transfer to (please include "Permit" in the Notes field)
- Debit
- Cash
- Cheque
- Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard or Amex)
Mail payment:
- Cheque
What if I am not the property owner?
If you are not the owner of the property, then you must get the owner's consent to apply for any permits. The Town accepts the following forms of owner authorization:
- Signature on Development Permit application
- Letter of consent from Property Owner
How long will it take to obtain my permits?
Timelines vary based on the type of application as well as our current application volumes. Give yourself as much time as possible to complete the permit process prior to your preferred construction start date in case of any complications or revisions required.
Development deposit
The Town of Westlock retains a $5,000.00 deposit for every new non-residential construction project. This deposit ensures the completion of the conditions of your development permit including landscaping and lot grading. Upon successful completion of your development permit conditions (within 2 years of approval), the Town will return the deposit.
Preparing drawings
Drawings must be accurate, legible and contain necessary information on mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, as well as details on washrooms, fire ratings and any other affected areas covered by the Alberta Building Code. If additional assistance is required, consider hiring a professional familiar with the Alberta Building Code and your business requirements.
When applying for a Building Permit for a new building or an addition, drawings must include details that show compliance to:
- section 9:36 of Alberta's Building Code, or
- Canada's Energy Code NECB
An architect or professional engineer may be required to design and inspect your project for the intended location. Refer to the Alberta Building Code Division C Section 2.4.2 or talk to a consultant to determine if professional involvement is required. Where professional involvement is required, drawings submitted for your Building Permit Application must be stamped by the design professionals.
For projects that do not require professional involvement, consider consulting a design specialist if you are unable to produce acceptable plans for permit submission.
Getting inspections
Inspections for all building and safety codes permits are performed by the Town’s Safety Codes contractor, Superior Safety Codes.
Inspections can be booked by phoning Superior Safety Codes at 780-489-4777.
When phoning please have your permit number handy.
Inspections are booked by phases. All work for each phase must be complete before that phase’s inspections can be booked. Individual disciplines cannot book inspections separately and the previous phase must have passed all inspections before the next phase inspection can be requested. If one discipline did not pass inspection, the whole phase must be called for re-inspection; however, only the aspects that were not acceptable will be inspected again.
For more detailed information about each individual inspection contact Superior Safety Codes at 780-489-4777.
Further info:
- The required inspections for your project are indicated on your permit(s) plan review.
- Have the requested documentation on-site.
- The final inspection verifies that the development is safe to occupy and meets all applicable building codes and bylaws.
Occupancy and Utilities
New buildings may not be occupied until they have passed inspection for building, plumbing, gas and electrical permits and compliant Permit Services Reports have been issued to the applicant in all applicable disciplines. A water meter must be installed and a utility account activated before the water valve may be turned on and only the Town of Westlock may turn the main water valve. Should a building be occupied and water used without a valid account the occupant may be charged with theft. Prior to occupying a new building, please check with the Planning & Development Department to ensure all pre-occupancy requirements have been met.