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    Who’s running for your municipal council? 

    The following is a list of candidates who have submitted their nomination papers.

    Mayoral Candidates

    Robin Brett

    I’ve been a proud Westlockian my entire adult life.  My wife, Amie, and I met, married, and have raised both of our kids to adulthood in this community.  In everything that I put my mind to, I’ve sought to help people and influence positive change.  Whether that’s been through my local computer business for the past 20 years, or as a volunteer Firefighter for the past 8.

    I’m no stranger to Town Council, having already served 3 terms as a Councillor from 2004 to 2013.  During that time I sat on numerous boards and committees from the Municipal Planning Commission and FCSS to the Municipal Library Board and Economic Development Committee.

    Events earlier this year have revealed another side to Town Council; one that has caused growing concerns regarding impartiality and accountability.  Westlock needs to be able to trust their elected officials and to believe that they’ve been heard.  I’ve not shied away from making difficult decisions in the past, and as Mayor I will not shy away from doing what’s essential to move us forward.


    While the Mayor’s position isn’t a full-time job, for the past decade our community has had the benefit of having someone in that role who has given it their full-time attention. I intend to do the same. For the past two years I’ve been learning all I can from Mayor Leriger, in preparation for the day when he would step away from public service. Because of this, I am able to come to the role with an already strong alignment with the Town’s current Councillors, a good working relationship with our CAO, and a vision for continuing my work as a community-builder - someone whose desire is to see our town remain strong, safe and viable.

    My wife, Kim, and I have called Westlock “home” since 2004. From the very beginning, this community embraced us and provided us with an opportunity to build a life. We’ve loved raising our two daughters in this small town of ours and have no plans to be anywhere else.

    During my time on Council, my board and committee appointments included: Water Commission, Homeland Housing, Municipal Planning Commission, FCSS, Health and Safety, and the Financial Framework Task Force.

    Aside from Council, I currently work as a substitute elementary school educational assistant and an authorized Alberta marriage commissioner. I also continue to be active in youth sports - coaching swim club and basketball.

    I’m ready to take on the challenge of serving as the Mayor of Westlock - if the community affords me that opportunity. 


    Councillor Candidates

    Laurie Hodge

    I moved to Westlock from northern Alberta in 1988 and have lived here ever since. Westlock has been my home and springboard for some great career opportunities, beginning at the Town of Westlock many years ago as Economic Development Coordinator.

    Besides Westlock, I have worked for the Town of Swan Hills and the City of St. Albert, with amazing tutelage from great and capable leaders. For the past 20 years, I have commuted to the Capital region, working first for Canadian Parents for French, Alberta Branch, then the City of St. Albert and, for the last 11 years, as Executive Director and Registrar for the Alberta Assessors’ Association which I left in July of this year.

    I have long had an interest in serving on Council, but my schedule and work commitments did not allow me to put my name forward. My interest is in continuing the good governance of Westlock’s Councils, making purposeful decisions for the betterment of the community and residents’ and visitors’ experiences.

    I was a Pembina Hills Trustee for two terms and was proud to have been a part of one of the best organizations and school boards of the day. I am currently the volunteer President of the Jarvie Rod and Gun Club, very proud mother of three amazing involved and active adults living “here and there” and the happy wife of the best of men.


    Benita Pedersen

    In the decades that I have been a community member, I have volunteered for Alberta Health Services, FCSS, Westlock Intermunicipal Library Board, Friends of the Library, Citizens on Patrol, and Christmas Light-Up Committee. I request your support so that I may serve the community in a different capacity going forward. As your councillor, I will address the following concerns and more:

    Council needs to be listening to and respecting the voice of the people. Whether the concerns are expressed via phone calls, letters, rallies, presentations, petitions, or plebiscites, the views of the people must be heard and respected, not ignored nor demeaned.

    There needs to be an increase in transparency starting with the public release of agenda packages two weeks before meetings so that the public can review them and respond to them BEFORE the items are voted on.

    Council needs to be focused on composing resolutions, policies, and bylaws that are FOR the people and BY the people rather than pushing forward with items from foreign entities such as the United Nations. For example, at the November 27 meeting, council voted to adopt the policies and programs of UNESCO via Resolution 2023-0271. Rather than our local policies being guided by a foreign entity such as the United Nations, I believe in homemade solutions to local challenges.

    Other priorities include:

    -making life more affordable by reducing Franchise Fees on utility bills
    -having more community events at which everyone feels welcome
    -hearing your questions, suggestions, and concerns

    780-349-0181 VoteBenita@gmail.com

    Alair Wilbert Plett

    Dear Westlock Constituents,  

    Hi. My name is Alair Plett. I’m relatively new to Westlock. I moved to Westlock in January of 2023. I was born in Manitoba and lived there for a few years before moving to British Columbia. Settling in Quesnel where I grew up and went to school. I worked in the forestry industry before buying my first logging truck. In my off time I went to college for my welding certificate. A few years later I ended up on Queen Charlotte Islands where I ran a large logging show which also took me to Vancouver Island to run the logging show there. From there I relocated to Edson, Alberta in 2000 where I resided till, I moved to Westlock.     

    A little business history about myself, I’ve owned multiple businesses in Alberta since 2000. I owned a Heavy-Duty Mechanic Shop, Coach/School Bus Company, Liquor Store, Grocery/Bakery, and currently now have a trucking company. 

    I feel with my business experience I have valuable assets to be a town councilor. With the many employees I’ve had over the past 23 years I feel I’ve had to keep an open mind about the many different opinions and lifestyles my employees had.  

    I’d like to be more involved in my community. Be a voice for the community and make changes to better our town. I find Westlock to be very friendly and a welcoming community. I look forward to listening and bringing forward everyone’s opinions and ideas. 

    Sincerely, Alair Plett  
    awplettt@icloud.com or plett@moradnet.ca


    My wife. Starla. and I have been privileged to calI Westlock home for 13 years. Having raised our own children, we know the value of a safe, affordable, family-oriented community.

    As a member of the Municipal Planning Commission, I have developed an understanding of the processes that shape Westlock's growth. As councilor, I will leverage this expertise to ensure sustainable development, enhance community infrastructure, and promote a harmonious balance between growth and preserving the cherished values of Westlock.

    My experience of 40 years in the trucking industry has given me an understanding and appreciation of the hard-working people who make up our town. Owning and operating my own trucking company has given me the entrepreneurial background and practical know­ how for economic dynamics, strategic planning, budgeting, and fostering growth-all essential qualities for effective municipal leadership. My commitment to local businesses and the foresight gained from steering my own company positions me as an advocate for economic development. I aim to harness my hands-on experience to drive initiatives that will propel Westlock forward, ensuring its prosperity and resilience for generations to come.


    David Truckey

    Westlock is home!

    My wife, Sandra and I have been Westlock residents for practically our entire lives, we have raised our children here and have operated our business in the community for over 30 years, Westlock is truly home and I care about my community.

    At the time of the last general election, I decided to take a break from municipal politics to let new and fresh faces have an opportunity at local government.

    My decision to run in this by-election was made after receiving encouragement from council and many people in both the town and county.

    Being a town councillor previously has been and remains one of my greatest personal accomplishments. During my previous time as a councillor, my goal had been to be connected with the people in the community, to understand the daily needs for Municipal services like water and waste water, recreation, and to maintain streets that we all drive on every day. Basically a safe and caring community!

    If elected as your councillor, I will again work towards these goals, each and every day.

    During my previous Council time, I was involved in several committees; including the water commission, the waste commission, Homeland Housing, FCSS, and the Municipal library board.

    Of the many community projects I was involved with along the way, the one that I was most involved in and proud of was the expansion at Pembina Lodge, a great addition to the seniors housing needs in our community.

    Now more than ever in our changing world on election day, this coming January 10th, please vote for me, David Truckey.

    Thank you
